Toko Freon
Toko Freon
Managed By Admin




In 1973, Mr. Kadir Chandra - Our Founder - established a cooling spare parts shop in Surabaya. With his determination and consistency in developing his business, he built a network of cooling spare parts stores in major cities in Indonesia. Starting from Jakarta, Semarang, Medan, Bali, Solo, Jogjakarta and finally the store opened in Singapore as a center for the distribution of goods to Indonesia. His commitment, success, and experience in the HVAC system brought him into the business of assembling and manufacturing HVAC systems such as CHILLER, EVAPORATOR, and CONDENSER. To complete the coverage of HVAC products he also established a panel factory for cold rooms. His big name is well known throughout the world as a major player in the HVAC field in Indonesia. It is proven by the many world HVAC companies that entrust their product distribution in Indonesia to him.




  • Becoming the leader in the refrigeration industry. Being trustworthy and reliable in providing genuine parts and components of air conditioning and refrigeration systems in Indonesia.


  • To become trustworthy and reliable supplier for all user of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.
  • Provide genuine spare parts and components of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration systems.
  • Provide the best Industrial Door solutions, Loading Dock & Warehouse Equipment.


Jalan Perak Timur No 62
Kota Surabaya 60164
Jawa Timur

+62 878-5335-0888
+62 878-5335-0888
Mapbox Map

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