Deskripsi Produk / Product Description
Nama Produk / Product Name: Bakso Ikan Goreng L
Merk / Brand: Sunfish
Nama Produsen / Produsen Name: PT. Indo Seafood
Sertifikat / Certificates:
- HACCP Reg No: 085/PM/HACCP/PB/05/19
- SKP Reg No: 11296/33/SKP/LN/III/19
- Halal Reg No: 15030029130318
- BPOM RI MD: 243211011307
Komposisi: Surimi, Air, Pati Tapioka termodifikasi, Minyak Nabati, Garam, Penguat Rasa Mononatrium Glutamat
Bentuk: Bentuk bulat , berwarna kecoklatan karena hasil proses penggorengan
Produk Non Conformity: Bentuk tidak sesuai, warna, under / over weight maks 4 pcs / pack
Kemasan / Packaging
Berat per pack / Nett per pack: 490 - 515 g
Berat Per Pcs: 19 - 23 g
Jumlah per pack / Pcs per pack: 23- 26 pcs
Jumlah per carton /Pack per carton: 12 pack
Berat per carton / Nett Weight: 6 kg
PT. Indo Sea Food starts as a company in seafood trading in around 2000. Then gradually we begin to do seafood processing. The business continues from freezing the whole fish to producing the fish meal.
Our core business now is as follow :
- Freezing whole fish and HNG fish
- Processing surimi
- Processing fish meal
We are located near the source of raw material to ensure the freshness of our products.
Our factory is HACCP Certified and we also have HALAL Certification from Indonesia Muslim Association (MUI).