Aneka Tuna Indonesia

PT. ANEKA TUNA INDONESIA was established in October 1991, as a joint venture company between Itochu Corporation, Hagoromo Foods Corporation – a leading tuna brand owner in Japan, and one other foreign firm.
Jalan Surabaya-Malang Km. 38 Gempol, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67155

PT. ANEKA TUNA INDONESIA was established in October 1991, as a joint venture company between Itochu Corporation, Hagoromo Foods Corporation – a leading tuna brand owner in Japan, and one other foreign firm.

Located in mountains area with exotic panorama in East Java Province of Indonesia, we began commercial operations in November 1992, specializing in production and sale of canned tuna.

Itochu does the overall sales and management, while Hagoromo Foods is in charge of production. All of the partners are actively involved in improving product quality including dispatching technicians from Japan and sending local technicians to Japan for training.

Our canned tuna is a popular ingredients enjoyed at tables around the world and sold in Japan, Europe, Middle East, Australia, Canada, Africa and also in Indonesia as domestic sale.

Procurement of tuna raw material also extends around the world, from the waters surrounding Indonesia to the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. By utilizing the superior technology provided by its partners, PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia turns high quality, carefully selected raw material into products that set it apart from competing companies.

In supermarkets and other outlets throughout Indonesia, whenever you find "SunBell" you know it has been manufactured by PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia, the name that signifies excellence.

As we keep spreading our sales and market region as well, we built our 2nd factory not far from our current site.

Privacy Policy

PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia is committed to protecting any personal information provided voluntarily by you through this website (, including your name, address, e-mail address and other personally identifiable information (collectively, the "Personal Information"). With respect to this website, the Personal Information is protected in accordance with this Website Privacy Policy set forth below. This Website Privacy Policy applies only to this website ( We are not responsible for any other websites linked to this website.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will use any of your Personal Information only for the purposes stated in this website, such as to provide you, in response to your requests and inquiries, with certain information tailored to your needs, and to distribute to you corporate documents including annual reports and environmental reports. We will not use the Personal Information for any other purposes without your prior consent.

Disclosure to Third Parties

We will not disclose the Personal Information to any third party without your prior consent except in the following cases:

  • when required by the applicable laws and regulations.
  • when it is necessary to protect human life, limb or property, and it is otherwise difficult to obtain your consent.
  • when it is particularly necessary to improve public health or to promote the nurturing of children, and it is otherwise difficult to obtain your consent.
  • when a national institution or local public organization, or a fiduciary thereof is obligated to cooperate with the execution of a statutory mission, and where there is a possibility of interfering with such execution by obtaining your consent.

Management of Personal Information

We take appropriate measures to prevent leakage or outflow of the Personal Information.

Revision of this policy

This policy may be changed as needed from time to time in accordance with changes to the applicable laws and regulations.

Terms Conditions


Shark finning is the retention of any shark fins while discarding the carcass at sea.


  • We, PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia, does not endorse the practice of shark finning.
  • We will not purchase from vessel-owning companies that actively shark finnng on board its vessels.
  • We will not purchase from any vessel that has been found to have finned for 2 years following the date of the most recent finding.
  • We will encourage all our suppliers to do responsible fishing activity which protect the evnrionment and the mammals.
Jalan Surabaya-Malang Km. 38 Gempol
Pasuruan 67155
Jawa Timur
hagoromo seachicken new mild
itochu corporation
canned tuna
sunbell gold
hagoromo sozai
hagoromo foods corporation